
Cutting Edge Marketing Solutions

Helping those Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Leaders that have a passion for excellence and innovation thrive in todays marketplace.

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To provide cutting edge, accountable marketing solutions for Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Organizational Leaders, and Churches, helping them to thrive in life and business.


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Our Services

Social Media Marketing

Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Next Door...

Google Marketing

Google Ad Creation, Campaign Management and Google Review Campaigns

Marketing Funnels

Landing Pages, Follow Up, Scheduling Automation

Marketing 101

Consulting services.

Basic Marketing Principles to Dominate the Marketplace

A Marketing Agency that helps you succeed

Our "Marketing 101" Consulting Service is a service we offer business owners to take advantage of up to three FREE 30 minute calls.
We'll answer your questions, review your current marketing materials and offer recommendations. All at no cost or obligation. Just find an open slot on our calendar.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media marketing funnel strategy

Social Media page optimization and marketing funnel recommendations

Custom design for opt-in page & mobile ready website page

Copy recommendations

Social Media advertising campaign setup & optimization Competitive research

Social Media ad implementation & tracking

Up to 2 campaigns per month

Marketing Funnels

Landing Pages


Lead Generation

Increase Page Reach

Increase Likes

Increase Engagement

Increase REVENUE!

Google Marketing

Google offers a powerful toolset for companies to promote their products or services.

WE provide:

Account Setup and Access

Conversion Tracking of Marketing Objectives

Key Word Research

Campaign Structure and Bidding

Target Audience Selection and Remarketing

As Creation, Ad Extensions, Optimization

Testing, Experimentation and Beyond


Converting Visitors into Leads

December 18, 20234 min read

Converting Visitors into Leads

Any business that has invested in the tough work of getting visitors to their website or landing page is then faced with an equally important task: transforming these visitors into fruitful leads. In the world of digital marketing, the process of gathering visitor data, predominantly in the form of contact details, marks a pivotal phase in the sales funnel. Through these leads, you have the opportunity to foster a relationship, delicately guiding them along their journey to becoming your loyal customers.

Best Practices: Powerful Calls-to-Action

One indispensable tool at your disposal when it comes to lead conversion is the Call-to-Action or CTA. As the prompts that incite users to take next steps. They may take various forms such as "Subscribe Now," "Download the eBook," or "Get Started." Crafting a persuasive CTA is an intricate fusion of compelling copywriting and strategic design.

When considering CTAs, think layers - an immediate call to action and a secondary one, thereby providing the user multiple engagement options. To better understand this concept, see our blog post on the Marketing Equation.
Strategically place your CTAs throughout your content, not solely at the end. It's crucial they visually stand out, embodying conciseness, directness, and action. Where possible, personalize your CTAs and ensure the value proposition is clearly communicated—explicitly demonstrate the benefits users can derive from taking the desired action.

The Value of Lead Magnets and Gated Content

Lead magnets constitute another efficient technique for morphing visitors into leads. These valuable resources, offered in exchange for visitor contact information, can take various forms like eBooks, whitepapers, free trials, webinars, or exclusive articles. The defining characteristic of a lead magnet is its significant value proposition for your audience.

Gated content, a subtype of lead magnet, involves granting access to high-caliber content—be it comprehensive guides, extensive research reports, or instructive videos—only after obtaining visitor contact details. This technique should be used discerningly, as over-gating can discourage visitors. It's most effective when applied to premium content that accentuates your expertise. Consider offering limited-time discounts or special perks for accessing your lead magnet to create a sense of urgency and drive conversions.

Optimizing Landing Pages

Your landing page serves as the initial impression a visitor receives of your brand. It should be constructed with a design that is captivating, user-friendly, and most significantly, harmonized with your lead generation objectives.

Landing pages should remain uncluttered, offering a clear navigational path for users. The power of a captivating headline, persuasive copy, visually pleasing images, and a conspicuous CTA cannot be overstated. Incorporate social proof, in forms such as testimonials or case studies, and ensure your page is optimized for mobile users.

Experiment with different elements on your landing page, like headlines, images, and CTAs, to discern what resonates most effectively with your audience. Tools like heatmaps can help pinpoint the areas of your page that are drawing the most user engagement. As with every type of digital marketing, you MUST TEST everything.

Effective Lead Capture and Follow-Up

The art of lead capture involves a delicate balance. Requesting too much information through forms can deter potential leads. Ensure your forms are streamlined, user-friendly, and communicate to users that their information will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Once a lead has been captured, a prompt follow-up is vital. Dispatch a personalized thank you email and deliver the promised lead magnet without delay. Subsequently, cultivate the lead with pertinent content and offers, further nudging them down the sales funnel.

Converting visitors into leads marks a crucial phase in the sales process. Utilizing compelling layered CTAs, offering high-value lead magnets complete with limited-time incentives, and optimizing your landing pages, coupled with effective lead capture and timely follow-up practices, can dramatically boost your conversion rates and cultivate a thriving pipeline of potential customers.

The data obtained from our marketing efforts can provide invaluable insights to refine your approach. Are your landing pages performing as anticipated? Are your calls-to-action leading to conversions? Are your lead magnets truly captivating your target audience?

Feel free to schedule a FREE strategy call with us and we can begin to unpack and answer these questions for your specific industry and business...


Is your company a good fit to work with us?

Are you currently investing in marketing for your product/service?

Have you been disappointed by a lack of results from your marketing?

Does tracking the effectiveness of your marketing take too much of your time?

Are you unsure of which marketing pieces are working better than others?

Do you struggle with creating the ad copy and the offer for the ad?

If the answer to these questions is "yes" then you could be a good fit for our services.

 Schedule a FREE 30 minute Strategy Call with the G220 Team

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