
Cutting Edge Marketing Solutions

Helping those Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Leaders that have a passion for excellence and innovation thrive in todays marketplace.

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Our Mission

To provide cutting edge, accountable marketing solutions for Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Organizational Leaders, and Churches, helping them to thrive in life and business.


Entrepreneurial Spirit        

Systems & Automation         

Organizational Clarity            



Personal Faith

Our Services

Social Media Marketing

Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Next Door...

Google Marketing

Google Ad Creation, Campaign Management and Google Review Campaigns

Marketing Funnels

Landing Pages, Follow Up, Scheduling Automation

Marketing 101

Consulting services.

Basic Marketing Principles to Dominate the Marketplace

A Marketing Agency that helps you succeed

Our "Marketing 101" Consulting Service is a service we offer business owners to take advantage of up to three FREE 30 minute calls.
We'll answer your questions, review your current marketing materials and offer recommendations. All at no cost or obligation. Just find an open slot on our calendar.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media marketing funnel strategy

Social Media page optimization and marketing funnel recommendations

Custom design for opt-in page & mobile ready website page

Copy recommendations

Social Media advertising campaign setup & optimization Competitive research

Social Media ad implementation & tracking

Up to 2 campaigns per month

Marketing Funnels

Landing Pages


Lead Generation

Increase Page Reach

Increase Likes

Increase Engagement

Increase REVENUE!

Google Marketing

Google offers a powerful toolset for companies to promote their products or services.

WE provide:

Account Setup and Access

Conversion Tracking of Marketing Objectives

Key Word Research

Campaign Structure and Bidding

Target Audience Selection and Remarketing

As Creation, Ad Extensions, Optimization

Testing, Experimentation and Beyond


Telling Your Story with Video

December 11, 20234 min read

Telling Your Story with Video

In the fast-paced digital era, videos have solidified their position as a robust and influential marketing tool. Their dual ability to engage multiple senses with visual and auditory stimuli makes them an unparalleled medium for communicating complex concepts, fostering emotional connections, and breathing life into narratives.

what follows is a comprehensive guide to harness the power of video content to propel your business forward, with a special emphasis on emotional marketing, storytelling, and leveraging authenticity through interviews and testimonials.

The Equipment and Video Editing Toolkit

"where authenticity trumps polish - such as vlogs or behind-the-scenes snippets - even the camera on your smartphone could serve perfectly"

The myth that creating compelling video content demands an exorbitant budget or top-tier professional equipment is far from reality. The secret lies in understanding what truly aligns with your objectives.
For instances where authenticity trumps polish - such as vlogs or behind-the-scenes snippets - even the camera on your smartphone could serve perfectly.
However, for more professional and sleek productions like product demonstrations or tutorials, it's recommended to utilize equipment such as DSLR cameras, microphones, and lighting setups.
On the video editing front, a diverse range of software is accessible, starting from beginner-friendly applications like iMovie or Adobe Premiere Rush to more advanced and professional tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X.

Determining Video Length, Adopting Appropriate Style, and Ensuring Accurate Formatting The optimal duration of your video content primarily hinges upon the platform of distribution, the nature of the content, and your audience's tastes.
For instance, Instagram users tend to prefer videos under 60 seconds, while YouTube patrons are more receptive to long-form, detailed content. Another pivotal consideration is formatting. Ensure that your videos are tailored for the platform you're utilizing – square or vertical for Instagram, and horizontal for YouTube.

The aesthetic and tone of your video should echo your brand identity and harmonize with the message you aim to deliver. While explainer videos may necessitate a professional demeanor, user-generated content can afford to be more informal, bolstering its authenticity.
The G220 Agency has professional video editors available to take locally produced video files and turn them into professional looking presentations.

Strategizing Distribution and Promotion Even the most riveting video content can't make waves if it remains unseen by your target audience. A well-thought-out distribution strategy is, therefore, indispensable. This could encompass sharing videos on social media platforms, integrating them into your blog posts or website, or even incorporating them into your email marketing campaigns. To further amplify your reach, leverage SEO optimization, captivating thumbnails, enticing titles and descriptions, and apt tagging to promote your content.

Advanced Video Marketing Approaches

Once you've mastered the fundamentals of video creation, you can experiment with more advanced techniques. This could involve integrating compelling calls to action, A/B testing for thumbnails or video durations, initiating video ads, exploiting user-generated content, or even exploring the world of live streaming. Leveraging advanced analytics can yield valuable insights into your audience's preferences, thereby enabling you to refine your strategies for maximum engagement and conversion.

The nuanced art of storytelling through video is a critical skill for businesses navigating the digital terrain. Crafting a narrative designed to connect with audience's emotions plays a critical role in any business's video marketing strategy.
Adding elements such as interviews and user testimonials not only humanizes your brand but also adds a layer of authenticity and trust.
By investing in the right equipment, discerning optimal video lengths and formats, leveraging suitable distribution channels, and employing advanced strategies, you can generate powerful videos that propel brand recognition and fuel business growth.

Now that you're now armed with the strategies needed to craft engaging and impactful video content, let's have a planning call to get your business started on this powerful marketing tool.



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Have you been disappointed by a lack of results from your marketing?

Does tracking the effectiveness of your marketing take too much of your time?

Are you unsure of which marketing pieces are working better than others?

Do you struggle with creating the ad copy and the offer for the ad?

If the answer to these questions is "yes" then you could be a good fit for our services.

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