
Cutting Edge Marketing Solutions

Helping those Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Leaders that have a passion for excellence and innovation thrive in todays marketplace.

We wrote a book on leveraging digital marketing to

Expand Your Business' Territory

and we're giving it away FREE!

Our Mission

To provide cutting edge, accountable marketing solutions for Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Organizational Leaders, and Churches, helping them to thrive in life and business.


Entrepreneurial Spirit        

Systems & Automation         

Organizational Clarity            



Personal Faith

Our Services

Social Media Marketing

Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Next Door...

Google Marketing

Google Ad Creation, Campaign Management and Google Review Campaigns

Marketing Funnels

Landing Pages, Follow Up, Scheduling Automation

Marketing 101

Consulting services.

Basic Marketing Principles to Dominate the Marketplace

A Marketing Agency that helps you succeed

Our "Marketing 101" Consulting Service is a service we offer business owners to take advantage of up to three FREE 30 minute calls.
We'll answer your questions, review your current marketing materials and offer recommendations. All at no cost or obligation. Just find an open slot on our calendar.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media marketing funnel strategy

Social Media page optimization and marketing funnel recommendations

Custom design for opt-in page & mobile ready website page

Copy recommendations

Social Media advertising campaign setup & optimization Competitive research

Social Media ad implementation & tracking

Up to 2 campaigns per month

Marketing Funnels

Landing Pages


Lead Generation

Increase Page Reach

Increase Likes

Increase Engagement

Increase REVENUE!

Google Marketing

Google offers a powerful toolset for companies to promote their products or services.

WE provide:

Account Setup and Access

Conversion Tracking of Marketing Objectives

Key Word Research

Campaign Structure and Bidding

Target Audience Selection and Remarketing

As Creation, Ad Extensions, Optimization

Testing, Experimentation and Beyond


The Guiding Force in ALL Marketing Expeditions

January 01, 20244 min read

Analyzing Data to Gain Insights

As we delve deeper into the complex tapestry of digital marketing, one guiding principle is gaining increasing prominence:

"In God we trust; all others must bring data."

The cornerstone of any triumphant marketing strategy resides within the realm of data analysis. In the absence of data, we're essentially navigating without a compass. It is the Data will guide light the path towards expansion, effectiveness, and above all, a profound understanding of our audiences.

Harnessing Analytics to Align with Business Objectives

The journey towards valuable insights begins by integrating analytics with your business objectives. Regardless of whether you utilize Google Analytics for your website, or lean on the native analytics tools offered by social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, these instruments provide a treasure trove of data detailing your audience's interactions and behaviors.

These analytic applications offer an array of insights, including your traffic's origins, user dwell time on your site, audience demographics, their most engaged content, and a wealth of additional information. By incorporating this data into your marketing strategy, you're equipped to align your initiatives with your audience's preferences, fostering tailored, engaging content that resonates with them.

Augmenting Web Analytics with Social Media Insights

In addition to traditional web analytics, we highly recommend supplementing your data with social media insights. These insights allow you to dig deeper into audience engagement, understanding not just who your audience is, but how they interact with your brand across multiple platforms. This multi-faceted understanding further allows for improved audience segmentation and the creation of bespoke strategies that enhance engagement and foster loyalty.

Benchmarking Performance through Competitor Analysis

Proposing a shift towards competitor analysis, we introduce a powerful strategy to benchmark your performance. By observing and analyzing your competitors' marketing strategies, you can identify key trends and successful tactics that resonate within your industry. For example, what platforms do they use to get out their message, what hot buttons do they use interrupt their prospects, what offers do they provide to encourage engagement with their audience. This knowledge enables you to adapt your marketing approach accordingly, positioning your business favorably in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Identifying Trends and Harnessing Optimization Opportunities

Our next focal point is trend identification and the unearthing of optimization opportunities. This necessitates constant vigilance and a mindset that thrives on analytical examination. Keep a keen eye for patterns in your data; if there's a spike in website visits at a specific time or day, align your ad scheduling or social media posts to leverage these high-traffic windows.

Opportunities for optimization often lie hidden within your performance metrics; these could manifest as pages with high bounce rates, ads with low conversion rates, or emails that suffer from low open rates. Identify these potential areas of improvement, construct hypotheses, and validate them through iterative testing.

Supplementing Data with Surveys and User Testing

While your quantitative data paints a detailed picture of user actions, it might not reveal the reasons behind those actions. Enter qualitative data - your beacon to understand the 'why' behind the 'what'. By conducting surveys or user testing, you receive direct audience feedback. This information uncovers the motivations, preferences, and challenges faced by your users, providing invaluable insights to refine and elevate your marketing strategies.

Mastering A/B Testing Strategies

The A/B testing strategy process involves comparing two versions of a webpage, ad, or other marketing content to determine which version resonates better with your audience. By altering a single element at a time, such as the color of a call-to-action button, headline wording, or the visuals in an ad, you can isolate the impact of that change and gain a deeper understanding of what truly engages your audience.

Always remember, data-driven marketing is always a "moving target". It's an ongoing commitment to monitoring, testing, and refining. Through a consistent focus on data analysis, you can foster a deep-seated understanding of your audience, enabling the creation of more effective, precision-targeted marketing campaigns. Your commitment to this process is key in establishing credibility with your prospects and clients, underpinning the success of your digital marketing endeavors. 

Feel free to schedule a FREE strategy call with us and we can discuss how these tactics can fit into an overall marketing plan your specific industry and business...

Is your company a good fit to work with us?

Are you currently investing in marketing for your product/service?

Have you been disappointed by a lack of results from your marketing?

Does tracking the effectiveness of your marketing take too much of your time?

Are you unsure of which marketing pieces are working better than others?

Do you struggle with creating the ad copy and the offer for the ad?

If the answer to these questions is "yes" then you could be a good fit for our services.

 Schedule a FREE 30 minute Strategy Call with the G220 Team

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Ponce Inlet, FL

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Mon – Sat 9:00am – 8:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Phone Number: 386.566.7069

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